Alliance for
Economic Fairness

Facts About LA’s Unfair $30 Wage Ordinance

A powerful and well-connected special interest, calling themselves Tourism Workers Rising, is pushing Los Angeles leaders to adopt an unfair and deeply flawed proposal —$30 Wage Ordinance — that advances their political agenda while hurting the rest of Los Angeles’ working families with a slew of unintended consequences. The ordinance would require nearly all hospitality-related and airport businesses to raise employee pay to $30 an hour despite the fact the Los Angeles’ travel industry has still not recovered to pre-pandemic levels. The proposal is not the solution to Los Angeles’ affordability problem.

Unfairly Threatens Funding for Critical Local Services

The hospitality industry generates hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue for Los Angeles.

Unfairly Hurts Small and Minority-Owned Businesses

The $30 minimum wage ordinance will permanently disadvantage small businesses.

Unfairly Puts Other Union Jobs at Risk

Targeting the hospitality industry with a wage increase puts local city employees and well-paying union jobs at risk.

Unfairly Puts Union Jobs at Risk

Targeting the hospitality industry with a wage increase puts local city and county employees and well-paying union jobs at risk.

The LA City Council’s Action Unfairly Bypasses Collective Bargaining to Elevate a Select Few

It’s unfair for members of the City Council to change the law to benefit one sector of the workforce, while hard-working families in other sectors earn much less but face the same high cost of living.

Vast Majority of Hard-Working Families are Left Behind

It’s unfair for Los Angeles officials to change the law to benefit one sector of the workforce, while hard-working families in other sectors earn much less but face the same high cost of living.


Join Coalition

Join our coalition to ask Los Angeles leaders to stop the Unfair $30 Wage Ordinance and protect Los Angeles residents and small businesses from a slew of unintended consequences.